Our Mission

Wellness Empowerment Through Movement, Mindfulness, and Breathwork

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  • Movement

    ✅ Movement focuses on our Physical Health. We all know Exercising is good for us as it creates physical and chemical Benefits in both the Short and Long term.

  • Mindfulness

    ✅ Mindfulness focuses on our Emotional health. Understanding our emotions, triggers, insecurities, strengths, and growth areas is a Never Ending process across our Entire Life.

  • Breathwork

    ✅ Breathwork Connects all forms of health: Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual. For thousands of years across the Entire world, Breathwork has appeared in all Ancient spiritual practices.

Who do we Help?

Elevate Your Game with Innovative Athletic Kore Vibration Solutions tailored for Student Athletes.

Student Athletes

Empowering adults to reach their full potential with specialized coaching and resources.

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Frequently asked questions

Who do you normally work with?

Everyone :). Wellness is a priority for everyone at all stages of life no matter your age, gender, or occupation. We work with people ages 5 - 65+.

How long do you work with 1:1 clients?

3 months, 6 months, or 1 year

What is the format for 1:1 wellness training?

  • Customized Day by Day Routine Creation with Weekly Check-Ins
  • Customized movement, mindfulness, and breathwork exercises
  • Guided journaling for self-reflection and processing
  • Provided conversation starters to spark meaningful connections and conversations with loved ones

What areas is Kore Vibration able to service?

It truly doesn’t matter where you live as we can help anyone remotely! One beauty of COVID taught the world how to transcend state lines. We are currently based in Oahu, HI, but we help clients remotely from all over. Ah, one beautiful thing about technology!

Why do you teach coding?

Coding is currently an indispensable skill-set and will continue to be as technology (for better or worse) will increase its already dominant presence in our society. Coding at it’s Kore is problem solving and critical thinking, which are both incredibly important skill sets to develop. Additionally, it can be an avenue for someone to quickly close generational financial gaps.

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